one of my favorite parts of christmas is the decorations.
i don't know why but all my crafty bones just ache to create this time of year. i don't have a ton of time, but thankfully i do have an independent, crafty boy. so when i'm not nursing or sweet talking my little lady we are crafting.
mommy's been making:
countdown-to-christmas clipboard!

this has been fun every morning. it helps him see the days go by as we get close to christmas.
or maybe he just likes trying to rip the papers off before i can lift the clip thing.
i prefer to think it's the more productive conceptual understanding of days leading up to or counting down to christmas.
our advent calendar.
this is just a peak. it's almost done.
yes. i know it's already december 5.
thankfuly my son can't totally count or tell time in anyway, so he is none the wiser.
mr mischief is making:
baby jesus in the manger pics.
peek-a-boo jesus. haha!!
love that my son has the desire to create as well. he is such a mini me. we went on a painting spree and painted a ton of craft sticks. more to come with those...
on a random-i-love-my-son note.
we went to d-land the day before our passes expire.
it was a hard day with tantrums and no nap. however, watching him get excited about the christmas lights and small world is always worth it.
i totally cried like a girl kept it together while they lit up small world with a million beautiful christmas lights.
this picture was at the end of the fireworks on mainstreet, right as it started to snow.
i love it.
hope you are all enjoying your start to the holiday season!
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